then cant sleep jor.. @@
9.45 i call wei guang, he say he cant wait me..
after he get result then straight go work...
then i call hong ng lo, he also just wake up..
then say later come my house then only tgt go take..
10.15, i call mai yong en, then he say he come now..
when i go out, i saw yong en ,nixon, sze meng and sam..
then tgt chat with them and dont wait hong ng liao, hahaXD
5 more minutes reach school, but haven reach the time to take the result yet..
then we wait lo..
10.30, others classes adi start taking the result...
but our class teacher dont have teacher on duty!!!OMG..
10 more minutes, teacher take a file of 3Cs PMR result..
then nixon is the 1st 1 to take result..
i go and see his result, but teacher say he haven return the book to library..
then i cant wait lar, there are so many ppl in our class haven take their result..
then i go library with yong en..
we go see pn.hamidah..
when i want to say "hello" to teacher, my phone rang IN THE LIBRARY!!!
OMG@@ yu dao bao...
after 10minutes, i cant wait liao...=_=''
i go down and decided to take MY!!! result!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when i go down, i saw jia yi and her sis..
then play xia her and go into the hall le..
3C de lane still long..=_=''
but yew zane scare of seeing her result..
then she let me go front of her..
when i get my result, i sit down and teacher call me to sign...
but i told teacher...
"cikgu, boleh tak tak mahu bagi saya tengok dulu?"
"kasi terbalik"
teacher search and see my result..
and then smile a while and give my result to me with "terbalik" form..
i take my result and forget to shake hand with teacher..
hehe ^_^"
after that, all friends ask me "hows your results?"
i quickly run to the ladder near library there..
there adi locked, save to open my result.. hahaXD
i use play card to tactic to open, hahaha..
then i saw 2A 1st, then open all.. not straight As.. =_=''
but also got 5A3B lar, not bad..
get my target jor...
and then go lie to my friend say i get 3A or 4A only..
after that i saw hong ng came..
then i accompany him to get..
i call him to use that tactic too..
he more geng, go out and put the result on the table..
and then shout "Ace!!Ace!!" like play blackjack jiang hahahaXD
then we all also together shout with him..
his result is 1B3C3D1E..
okok la..hahaXD
then i go eat with them..
when pass though jia yi's house, stupid hong ng shout dou loud loud..
deng.. nth play liao de i think, but u still let me xia dao jor..
hahahaXD so wan hao, learn u de, noe jor dont angry ar!! =P
after mamak, i want go back de, but they say go cc play xia..
then i go 1 hour lo, but play xia play xia, play jor 2 hours..=_=''
sis call me back liao, then call mai hong ng come my house..
i lie to all my family member say i only get 4As..
then sis see my result, then say me..
1A also want play =3=
hahaha i keep laughing..
after that i go cycle with hong ng and chat a lot with him...
then 7pm i only go back home..
while waiting mom come back, i go bath sin..
mom back le, then she go see my result and say..
"Eh, not 5A meh, then i keep laughing.. =P
then i tell how i open my result to mom, they all laugh, haha..
when my dad back then he play with me,
say why did't reply my message?
hahaha, i keep laughing..
coz i though when my dad sms me, my mom also there..
so i reply my message with "go ask mom la"
then he angry liao, hahaha...
my dad so cute.. ^_^
today so happy..
my result not bad, my girl back to normal a bit liao..
i go do the things all i like..
CC, cycle, playground, keng gai..<3
everday can pass like this so good.. =D
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